Gardiner is single Nay on harassment and retaliation settlement
In Wednesday’s City Council meeting, the Council voted 49-1 to end litigation and approve a settlement with Chicago police officer Laura Kubiak. Kubiak had already won her court case against the city claiming abuse, harassment, and retaliation from a another police officer, Veejay Zala.
Gardiner, with his own history of abuse, harassment, and intimidation of women offered no explanation for his vote against the settlement.
Gardiner critic targeted with $600 fine for “weeds”
In September 2019, 45th ward resident and vocal critic of Alderman Gardiner, Pete Czosnyka, found himself facing $600 in fines for “weeds”. Czosnyka fought the tickets in court and won a rare victory against the city for weed violations. The “weeds” in question were really native plants, many of which were originally bought from the City itself.
Gardiner targets critics for removal
On November 21, 2019, Alderman Gardiner met with members of Chicago’s Department of Planning and Development (DPD) as well as a subset of Commissioners from the Six Corners Special Service Area (SSA #28) to discuss the Alderman’s threats to hold up the SSA budget if a member of the Commission, who he felt had been critical of him, wasn’t removed from her post.